Monday, April 26, 2010

First Prenatal Visit

We had our first prenatal visit today, and got a clean bill of health for Baby LaSalle!!  We were able to get our very first pictures of the baby, and hear the heartbeat.  Everything looks great as far as the size of the baby, and the heartbeat was strong and at the appropriate rate!  It was at 170 beats per minute.  The due date has remained at November 26, and we can't wait!!!!!  It was the most amazing thing either of us have ever seen when that little baby popped up on the screen!!  We actually got to see the baby move a bit, and saw the little flicker of the heartbeat...  I wish I had gotten a picture of Jared's face when he first saw it.  He hopped right out of his seat, and stood throughout the whole thing!  We are definitely looking forward to our next ultrasound!

I'm so relieved to have confirmation of the baby's health, because I must admit that I had a secret fear of getting to the appointment and seeing that scary face on the ultrasound technician that quickly slips out of the room to grab the doctor so that he can relay the bad news...  I mostly had these irrational fears because I've had absolutely no morning sickness as of yet, but apparently I'm just one of the lucky ones!!  So things are great, and we couldn't be happier!

I will update ya'll again just as soon as I have something new to report, and I'll leave you with Baby LaSalle's first picture!

For those of you who can't see what that little white blob is....  It looks as though the baby is standing on its head.  At this stage of development the head is about half of its total size, so that circle at the bottom is the head, and directly above that you can see the little arms, above that the body, and at the very top are the tiny little legs...  You can also see the umbilical cord sticking out to the left-that little string at the very top.


  1. congratulations!!!! I know you're so excited. You're going to make such a good mommy!

  2. Aww, thanks Amanda!! I sure hope you're right!!

  3. Congratulations!! Y'all are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Tim & Sherry

  4. Thanks, Tim & Sherry!! Great to hear from you guys, and thanks for the prayers! Love ya'll!
